Software Engineering Risk Management (SERIM) application is designed to help you find a safer path through the software development jungle. By using the SERIM model to take periodic "readings" on the status of your software development projects, you can focus quickly on high-priority risk areas. Once you have determined area of risk, the SERIM application will help you develop proactive plans for improvement before these risks sabotage your projects. You can even use this application in the Pre-Requirements phase to develop risk projections that will help you plan your projects more realistically.
Dr. Karolak has used the mathematics of probability to design the formulas that will enable you to:
- Assess your projects' risks by entering numeric ratings for a series of metric questions within the ten major software development risk factors.
- Analyze your projects' risk scores from any or all of five different analytical perspectives.
- "Drill down" within each analytical perspective to design action plans to improve your probability of success with any high-priority metric question.