Give Your Students Real-World Problem-Solving Skills! As in earlier editions, the central theme of Introduction to Electric Circuits, 8th Edition, is the concept that electric circuits are a part of the basic fabric of modern technology. Given this theme, this book endeavors to show how the analysis and design of electric circuits are inseparably intertwined with the ability of the engineer to design complex electronic, communication, computer, and control systems as well as consumer products. This book is designed for a one-to-three-term course in electric circuits or linear circuit analysis, and is structured for maximum flexibility.
New to this Edition:
- Enhanced WileyPLUS course with 300 algorithmic problems, bringing the total set of assignable algorithmic problems to over 600. These algorithmically generated problems allow students to practice repeatedly the same problem type with new values.
- Significantly increased use of computational software PSpice and MATLAB.
- Revisions made throughout the text to improve clarity.
- The text contains 120 new problems, brining the total number to more than 1,350. This edition uses a progression of problem types that range in difficulty.
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