Quantum optics is a field in quantum physics, which deals with the application of quantum mechanics to phenomena involving light and its interactions with matter.Quantum optics principles can be used to manipulate matter and/or light in experiments, to create light fields that have unusual properties. Quantum optics techniques are being used for Bose-Einstein condensates, and integrated in new devices such as quantum computors, sensors, and much more.
The second edition of this well established book was published in 2004. In this third, fully revised and expanded edition, the authors presents new concepts, results, techniques and state of the art experiments in the field of quantum optics. The book starts with the basic building blocks and concepts, then moved on to detailed procedures, and new techniques leading to start of the art experiments. The focus is on metrology, communications and quantum logic, with more emphasis on single photon technology and also hybrid detection. A new feature are end of chapter summaries and full problems sets throughout.