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موضوعات مرتبط
Cover image for product 3527410015
ISBN: 978-3-527-41001-9
514 pages
April 2011
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  • Description
  • Table of Contents
  • Author Information
Written by authors working at the forefront of research, this accessible treatment presents the current status of the field of collider-based particle physics at the highest energies available, as well as recent results and experimental techniques.

It is clearly divided into three sections; The first covers the physics -- discussing the various aspects of the Standard Model as well as its extensions, explaining important experimental results and highlighting the expectations from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The second is dedicated to the involved technologies and detector concepts, and the third covers the important - but often neglected - topics of the organisation and financing of high-energy physics research.
A useful resource for students and researchers from high-energy physics.

From the Contents:
PART I The Physics
Setting the Scene
The Standard Model: Our Picture of the Microcosm
Electroweak and Standard Model Tests: The Quest for Precision
Hard QCD: Still going strong
Monte Carlo Generators and Fixed-order Calculations: Predicting the (Un)Expected
The Higgs Boson: Still Elusive after 40 Years
Quark Flavour Physics
Top Quarks: The Peak of the Mass Hierarchy?
Beyond SUSY and the Standard Model: Exotica
Forward and Diffractive Physics: Bridging the Soft and the Hard
PART II The Technology
Accelerators: The Particle Smashers
Detector Concepts: From Technologies to Physics Results
Tracking Detectors: Following the Charges
Calorimetry: Precise Energy Measurements
Muon Detectors: Catching Penetrating Particles
Luminosity Determination: Normalising the Rates
Trigger Systems in High-Energy Physics Experiments
Grid Computing in High-Energy Physics
PART III The Organisation
The Sociology and Management of Terascale Experiments: Organisation and Community
Funding of High Energy Physics
The Role of the Big Labs
Communication, Outreach and the Terascale

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