Filling the gap for an up-to-date textbook in this relatively new interdisciplinary research field, this volume provides readers with a thorough and comprehensive introduction. Based on extensive physics teaching and research experience, it includes detailed analyses of the problems and highlights in special biographical boxes some of the most outstanding personalities and their contributions to both physics and economics. The whole is rounded off by several appendices containing important background material and worked examples.
From the contents:
The Random Walk
Beyond the Simple Random Walk
Understanding Interactions through Cross-Correlations
Why care about a Power Law?
The Log-Normal Distribution
When a Single Distribution is not Enough
Explaining Complex Distributions with Simple Models
But Individuals are not Gas Molecules...
...and Individuals don't Interact Randomly: Complex Networks
Outlook and Concluding Thoughts Appendices:
Thermodynamics and Free Particle Statistics
Interacting Systems: Mean Field Models, Fluctuations and Scaling Theories
Renormalization Group Technique
Spin Glasses and Optimization Problems: Annealing
Nonequilibrium Phenomena