The result of lectures given for a graduate and advanced undergraduate course at Penn State University, students at universities the world over will benefit from the authors' concise treatment.
The textbook begins by addressing, in general terms, the phenomena and peculiarities that occur at the nanoscale. In the following four parts, readers are introduced in detail to nanoscale physics, chemistry, materials science, and biology, followed by two parts on synthesis and fabrication as well as characterization at the nanoscale. A variety of exemplary applications taken from a wide range of sectors are also presented and discussed. Concerns for safety, environmental impact, workforce development, economic wellbeing, and societal change issues arising from nanotechnology are woven throughout the book and additionally form the focus of the last two chapters.
With special didactic elements such as learning objectives at the beginning of chapters, summaries at the end of chapters, and "Further Reading" sections, this is the definitive textbook on nanotechnology.