This book introduces emerging tools for micro- and nanomanipulation and presents example applications such as semiconductor packaging and clinical diagnostics as well as surgery. In the first part of the book, various topics of on-chip and device-based micro- and nanomanipulation are discussed. A variety of fields that can be used for manipulation at the mico/nano-level are included, such as using acoustic, magnetic, optical or dielectrophoretic fields. Surface-driven manipulation and high-speed microfluidic manipulation for biophysical applications are discussed as well. In the second part of the book, the main focus is on robotic tools for micro- and nanomanipulation. Not only magnetic micromanipulators are discussed, either bacteria or untethered, but also piezoelectric actuators and MEMS-based force feedback manipulators. Finally, multiple chapters discuss nanomanipulation using AFM and nanocoils under optical and electron microscopes.