Collating up-to-date and hard-to-get information on manufacturing in the fast growing optical and photonic industry, this is a concise overview of the fabrication of high quality glass-based optics.
As such, the book covers the entire manufacturing process, from the basics of optical elements, via shaping to the main areas of coating and polishing. Introductory sections and practical approaches provide the background information for newcomers to the field, while equally helping professionals already active in this industry to standardize their collaboration. Furthermore, illustrations are used to explain real-life techniques and to clarify more difficult fabrication processes, while case studies, taken from the author's own experience, exemplify the intricacies of the various processes and help readers to understand and anticipate possible process-related complications. By shedding light on companies' workflow processes, the author also includes the information needed to write ISO-compliant standard operating procedures.
As a result, readers gain a solid knowledge of established manufacturing methods, while also learning about the latest trends within the optical industry, such as the design of high-end optical components for the construction of lasers.