In nature, biological systems and physiological processes have evolved over millions of years to improve their properties and functions. Biomimetics is the study and use of the structured and function of living things to create materials or products by reverse engineering. A major advantage of these systems is that both biochemical and physical parameters can be precisely controlled, therefore enabling the utilization of biomimetic systems experimental model s for guiding the research on the biological mutation and evolution in the organisms. Some bioactive molecular such as peptides, proteins, nucleic acids and lipids can undergo self-assembly into well defined structures similar to the assembly in living organs. Biomimetrics is not limited to just copying nature because with the development of modern biology, scientists can direct utilize biological units themselves to construct new types of systems sometimes as hybrid nanostructured materials. This book covers fundamental aspects and practical techniques of molecular assembly of biomimetic systems, especially, the layer-by-layer assembly, self-assembly, microcontact printing, electron beam lithography and chemical nanolithography. Aimed at graduate students as well as researchers carrying out research and development in nanotechnology, biotechnology and materials sciences.