Microgel suspensions consist of colloidal gel particles that are able to swell or de-swell in response to ambient changes, giving rise to flexibility in both shape and volume. The aim is to tailor the resulting suspension structure, dynamics and rheology towards specific applications, ranging from novel sensing and optical effects to the industrial reality of medical and consumer products.
Providing a vital link between chemistry and physics on the mesoscale, this first book dedicated entirely to the topic offers concise coverage in five major sections, beginning with synthesis of microgel particles and continuing with their physical properties. The phase behavior and dynamics of resulting microgel suspensions feature in the third section, followed by their mechanical properties. It concludes with detailed accounts of numerous industrial, commercial and medical applications.
Edited by a world-renownded panel of experts in the field, this volume provides the essential information for physicists, chemists, materials scientists, engineers, and biologists.