This up-to-date review of the most important areas where surface analysis techniques are employed covers recent developments in traditional fields, as well as such newly emerged important subfields as biomaterials and metrology. The handbook is problem oriented, aiding readers in finding the technique optimally suited for any specific analytic problem.
Following a section surveying the fields of application and introducing physical analysis methods, a second section on the fundamentals provides the necessary physical background, with summaries at the end of each chapter highlighting the most important features of any particular technique. The third section on applications outlines how problems in various fields can be tackled using these techniques, including:
* semiconductors
* metallurgy
* magnetic materials
* polymers
* biomaterials
* catalysis
* oxidation
* corrosion
* adhesion
* tribology
* metrology
* environmental analysis
* aerospace technology
* archeometry.
Summaries at the end of these chapters state which feature of any technique is beneficial for the particular analytical problem in question.
Essential reading for those working in quality control, production process development, failure analysis, dimensional and chemical metrology and the development and functionalization of new materials.