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Cover image for product 1444339796
ISBN: 978-1-4443-3979-6
384 pages
April 2016, Wiley-Blackwell
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  • Description
  • Table of Contents
Greek Sculpture presents a chronological overview of the plastic and glyptic art forms in the ancient Greek world from the emergence of life-sized marble statuary at the end of the seventh century BC to the appropriation of Greek sculptural traditions by Rome in the first two centuries AD.

  • Compares the evolution of Greek sculpture over the centuries to works of contemporaneous Mediterranean civilizations
  • Emphasizes looking closely at the stylistic features of Greek sculpture, illustrating these observations where possible with original works rather than copies
  • Places the remarkable progress of stylistic changes that took place in Greek sculpture within a broader social and historical context
  • Facilitates an understanding of why Greek monuments look the way they do and what ideas they were capable of expressing
  • Focuses on the most recent interpretations of Greek sculptural works while considering the fragile and fragmentary evidence uncovered
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