Since the publication of the second edition of
Cardiac Mapping, substantial achievements and breakthroughs have been made in the field of interventional electrophysiology and imaging technologies. Today mapping technology is no longer an investigational research tool, rather an essential part of the clinical electrophysiology laboratory. Mapping of complex arrhythmias such as atrial and ventricular fibrillation is emerging as a new era in the management of these arrhythmias.
This thoroughly updated third edition focuses on new developments in the field such as mapping of complex arrhythmias, navigation systems, and image integration, with information on the strengths and limitations of each mapping technology. New to this edition is the inclusion of a DVD illustrating real time data from actual cases. Cardiac Mapping remains an integral part of the science and practice of complex rhythm management, and a central resource for the interventional electrophysiologist, rhythmologist and all those interested in understanding the mechanisms of cardiac arrhythmias.