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Cover image for product 140515974X
Vegetation Classification and Survey
ISBN: 978-1-4051-5974-6
256 pages
September 2015, Wiley-Blackwell
Title in editorial stage
  • Table of Contents
  • Author Information
Part 1 Introduction.

Explores the reasons for classifying terrestrial vegetation and reviews the history of vegetation classification in the western world. Includes brief profiles of leading 19th and 20th century protagonists and their differential classification approaches. Classificatory concepts and applications in current use in developing countries are briefly covered. The impact of Eurocentric classification systems on ecosystem management in non-European countries, especially in the tropics, is reviewed. The logical connection between classification and field survey is briefly introduced as a preface to Part 2. While the book deals essentially with terrestrial, ground-based survey, related elements of air-borne and space-borne remote-sensing applications are introduced (Part 5). Marine and fresh-water classification systems are used to illustrate contrasting classification concepts. The chapter concludes with an analysis of the limitations of traditional vegetation classification systems in the light of changing needs and lists criteria for new classificatory approaches..


Part 2 Vegetation classification.

2.1 Introduction.

Describes two primary systems - Static and Dynamic, where the former is represented by hierarchical, open-ended, traditional structural-physiognomic and floristic classifications and the latter by a generic set of plant-based functional or adaptive attributes that are used to classify plant individuals according to a non-hierarchical rule set or grammar..

2.2 Static vegetation classification systems.

2.2.1 Physiognomic-structural.

Deals with systems that apply elements of physiognomy (general appearance) and vegetation structure. Review of hierarchical systems applied to biomes, formations, sub-formations etc.including landscape-based classification of ecosystems and their sub-systems..

2.2.2 Floristic.

Covers development of species-based descriptive and systematic phytosociological approaches including the ZM (Braun-Blanquet) methods and their derivatives. Examines the relative efficiency of such methods in simple versus complex terrestrial vegetation types..

2.2.3 Functional.

Reviews the development of ‘Ellenberg’ type classificatory systems based on Raunkiaerean life-form and other adaptive plant features as applied to open-ended hierarchical approaches after the methds described by Ellenberg and others.

2.3 Dynamic vegetation classification systems.

2.3.1 Functional traits.

Introduces the relatively new concept of functional traits as identified through known or hypothetical models of plant functional response to environmental change. Reviews the development of ‘vital attributes’ and other similar traits known to be critical to plant dispersal, establishment and survival. Assesses the relative value of such approaches as research tools versus practical applications for field survey and inventory..

2.3.2 Dynamic models.

Reviews classification of vegetation based on assembly rules as applied to plant functional traits and compares these with a rule-based grammar (VegClass). Examines the comparative efficiencies of different methods as applied to varying management scale and purpose..

2.3.3 Plant functional typology - the VegClass method.

Introduces the reader to the rationale for developing a generic system of classifying plants according to their adaptive morphologies. Examines the need for plant functional elements that reflect adaptation across a range of spatio-temporal scales and provides an example of how these can be coupled via a rule set to generate a finite combination of Plant Functional Types (PFTs) using the VegClass approach. Compares the practical efficiency of different PFT-based approaches in inventory and survey..


Part 3 Gradient-based survey design.

3.1 Introduction.

Briefly reviews the history of survey design as applied to vegetation inventory and biodiversity assessment. Examines the cost-efficiency of traditional statistical designs that require random or systematic e.g. grid-based samples. Provides examples of how restricted sampling of a pre-classified vegetation type can lead to truncated species distribution ranges and misleading models of species performance under defined management conditions. Outlines a rationale for a different approach to the sampling of biota based on environmental gradients rather than pre-classified vegetation units..

3.2 The Gradsect method.

This chapter describes the conceptual and scientific basis for gradient-directed transects or gradsects in field survey as applied to vegetation inventory and biodiversity assessment. It includes independent evaluation of the method and briefly reviews its recent application by national and international institutions. It provides the reader with the basics of gradsect design and layout including a review of criteria for the selection of transect size and positioning. Compares the cost-efficiency of gradsects vs non-gradient-based designs..

Part 4 Integrated vegetation classification and survey.

4.1 Why integrate?.

Explains the rationale for integrating adaptive plant functional types with gradient-based survey design..

4.2 The VegClass based survey protocol.

Introduces the reader to a standard field recording protocol that includes all vascular plant species, plant functional elements and types, vegetation structural elements, and site physical features that includes georeferencing by a handheld global positioning system (GPS). The basics of the VegClass© software package are outlined accompanied by computer screen images of sequential procedures of data compilation, summary and analysis with excerpts from an online manual. Outlines criteria for site selection, sample plot size, species:area approaches to assessing site representativeness and the use of ecological diversity indices..

Part 5 Potential mapping and dynamic vegetation survey.

5.1 Introduction.

Briefly reviews concepts of spatial modelling and methods used for potential mapping of biota using geographic information systems (GISs) and standalone software packages such as the public domain software package DOMAIN..

5.2 The DOMAIN potential mapping system.

Outlines the rationale for the DOMAIN mapping system and compares it with a range of similar software packages. Provides examples of how DOMAIN can be used for different management scales and purposes..

5.3 Remote sensing applications.

Briefly reviews remote sensing applications as they apply to vegetation classification and survey. Illustrated with examples of DOMAIN potential mapping from Brazil, India and Indonesia..


5.3 Dynamic vegetation suvey.

Introduces the concept of real-time site selection along environmental gradients where newly collected field data are fed into DOMAIN to reassess site representativeness and to identify and locate potentially new sample sites..

Part 6 Biodiversity management.

6.1 Indicators.

Briefly introduces the concept of biodiversity in a sustainable management context. Reviews the indicator concept and criteria for indicator selection. Reviews stated aims of international conventions to develop biodiversity conservation strategies based on robust indicators. Uses examples from real-world applications that show how the methods outlined in this book can be applied to rapid biodiversity assessment and monitoring. Examples of indicators above- and belowground and links with carbon sequestration, potential agricultural productivity, reserve selection and economic valuation..

6.2 Reserve selection and bioregional planning.

Reviews the need for reserve selection procedures to be based on high quality ground data. Illustrates how baseline data acquired using the methods outlined above can be used directly in reserve selection and bioregional planning..

6.3 Valuing biodiversity.

The argument is presented that biodiversity without value is biodiversity without a future. Briefly reviews requirements from economic planners to attach a monetary or income value to planning models. Introduces the vegetation or V-Index where relative values derived from ecological baseline studies along land use intensity gradients can be fed directly into bioregional planning scenarios..


Part 7 Global case studies.

7.1 A series of global, ecoregional case studies is presented that incorporate the same gradsect design principles and identical vegetation and site recording protocols (VegClass). Reasons for undertaking multidisciplinary, multitaxa baseline studies are outlined..

7.2 Palaeotropic humid forests.

7.2.1 Sumatra.

A multidisciplinary, multitaxa baseline study conducted along a regional gradsect in lowland Sumatra, Indonesia. Applications for land use and sustainable conservation management..

7.2.2 Australian Wet Tropics.

A analysis of mainly vegetation data and soils derived from a gradsect that traverses coastal and inland mountain systems to western savannas in North-East Queensland, Australia. Applications for sustainable conservation and land use management..

7.3 Neotropical humid forests.

7.3.1 Mato Grosso, Brazil.

A multidisciplinary, multitaxa baseline study conducted along a regional gradsect in the South-Western Amazon basin. Applications for sustainable conservation and land use management including bioregional planning..

7.4 A global database.

Introduces a case study of DOMAIN mapping of global, environmental domains based on approximately 1800 transects worldwide where data from a wide range of physical environments have been collected using the standard VegClass method. Illustrates the advantages to be gained by engaging uniform data collecting protocols versus non-uniform methods. Assesses how such data may be used for classifying and analysing global data at biome, regional and local level. Potential for modelling impacts of global change on biodiversity is briefly examined..

Part 8 References.

Part 9 Index.

9.1 Index of plant families, species names.

9.2 Index of key topics.

Part 10 Annexes.

Annexes of examples of data listings; access to internet locations for additional data access and public domain software packages

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