Evidence based Cardiology was first published in 1998 to universal acclaim. It was praised as a unique cardiology text providing graded evidence-based reviews of the major trials together with recommendations for optimum management. Edited and written by the world's leading cardiologists with an understanding of evidence-based medicine, it represented a breakthrough in clinical medical publishing, not only for cardiology.
With the move towards more patient focused health care and at the same time increased emphasis on health economics, evidence-based practice is a more important force in health care delivery than ever.
New features for the third edition
New chapters on:
- Implementing evidence based cardiology
- Cardiovascular disease and occupational health issues
- Psychological factors
- Social influences on the prevention of coronary heart disease
- Molecular genetics of cardiovascular disorders
- Integrated approach to prevention of cardiovascular disease including the global burden of disease; air pollution
- Percutaneous intervention
- Surgical coronary artery revascularization Comparisons of PCI and CABG
- Unstable angina and non-ST-segment MI
- Early management of ST-segment-elevation MI
- Reperfusion therapies for STEMI
- Reperfusion adjunctive therapies
- Complications of STEMI
- An integrated approach to the management of patients after the early phase of STEMI
- Approaches to the repair/replacement of ischemic/infarcted myocardium
- Atrial fibrillation: rate versus rhythm
- Atrial fibrillation: Upstream therapies
- Atrial fibrillation: ablation therapy
- Biventricular pacing
- New and old antiarrhythmic drugs
- Arrhythmias due to monogenic disorders
- New grading and recommendation methodology
- Clinical cases redesigned and linked to the relevant chapters