Forensic Ecology Handbook: From Crime Scene to Court provides a unique handbook covering all aspects of forensic ecology in death investigation. Bringing together the forensic applications of anthropology, archaeology, entomology, botany and palynology, as well as sedimentology in one volume, this book provides an essential resource for practitioners in the field of forensic science, whether crime scene investigators or police officers, or forensic science students and academics involved in the recovery and analysis of evidence from crime scenes.
Forensic Ecology Handbook: From Crime Scene to Court provides information not only one the application of different scientific fields to death investigation, but also on practical aspects of search, location, recovery, and analysis of evidence related to death investigation. The volume includes sampling strategies in the different disciplines, crime scene procedures, information on the production of exhibits and overall provides guides for good practice. It takes the investigation from the initial search of human remains, to their identification with a number of techniques and an understanding of post-mortem interval and linking a suspect to a scene.
Each chapter provides background information on each discipline and is structured according to pre-scene attendance (what questions should the scientist ask when receiving a call? What sort of preparation is required?), scene attendance (protocols at the scene, sampling strategies, recording), scientific analysis of the evidence in the laboratory, the production of witness statements and presenting evidence in court.
- Draws together all elements of forensic ecology in death investigation to provide a comprehensive overview of the field
- Written by current practitioners and experts in the field
- Provides sampling guidelines for different evidence types
- Takes an applied approach to the subject whilst introducing key theory where applicable
- Include guidelines for photography at crime scenes and at the mortuary, the production of exhibits and a list of useful resources
- Takes a practical approach regarding casework and the investigation: When is a specialist required? What can a specialist do? How is sampling undertaken in the absence of a specialist?
- Provides crucial link between all the disciplines of forensic ecology in cases involving human remains and how these different sources of evidence interact