"This was a required text for my capstone course in my B.S. of Nursing program. I found this book easy to read. The concepts were easy to apply to the project I designed and managed." —Amazon Customer, Project Management JumpStart, 3rd Edition
The revised guide for anyone considering a career in project management
This fourth edition of Project Management JumpStart contains a wealth of updated project management methods and practices as well as fresh examples and study questions. It is updated to align with a Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge–PMBOK® Guide, 6th edition. Comprehensive in scope, the book covers topics including project management principles, Project Management Institute's (PMI) project management standards, practical application of project management for the work place, defining project goals, creating project schedules and budgets, and more. The text is the ideal introduction for anyone considering certification to earn either PMP or CompTIA Project+ credentials.
Thoroughly revised and updated, the fourth edition of Project Management JumpStart offers a guide to:
- Understanding the basics of the growing career field of project management
- The most current principles and practices in project management
- Clarifying the complex issues associated with project management
- A guide for creating project schedules and budgets
- Ideas for monitoring project progress and taking corrective action
- Tips for communicating and negotiating effectively
- Information for documenting the project clearly and professionally
For further study, we recommend CompTIA Project+ Study Guide, 2nd Edition (978-1-119-28052-1) and PMP Study Guide, 9th Edition (978-1-119-42090-3)