This book will be the first to fully outline the concept and principles of water harvesting for groundwater management for an international audience. While past definitions of water management have tended to focus on flood, waste and potable water collection, treatment and distribution, the concept embraces little on the impact of water use on the natural ecosystem, making it difficult to demonstrate or compare successes in managing water sustainably. Our understanding of the social, economic and political dimensions of demand for water also lags significantly behind engineering and science knowledge on supply of location specific water. This book will offer guidance to academics and researchers on effective water harvesting approaches for groundwater recharge, the risks associated with managed aquifer recharge, and the causes of success or failure of particular management strategies. This book will provide an overview of the historical evolution of water harvesting for groundwater recharge; benefits and gaps in knowledge; their implementation and funding strategies, public participation, and assesses the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) of water harvesting technologies.