Big Data Analytics in Earth, Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences introduces the different aspects of big earth data analytics which include a brief introduction to big data about the Earth, an introduction to big earth data analytics, methodologies for big earth data analytics, and tools for analysis and applications in different earth science domains.
- Contributions from leading researchers in the field compiled into an advanced volume available to a new audience of students, researchers in allied disciplines in earth and environmental sciences, geography and geoinformatics
- Significant results reported through funded projects from NASA, NOAA, NSF, and other resources both nationally and internationally, for sharing with the community about the source, management, analytics, visualization, and utilization of big earth data in a variety of applications and decision supporting contexts
- Identification and discussion of the critical topics in the subject, and leading experts in the field, including non-scientists and business analysts seeking an introduction to the topic, e.g. companies moving into big earth data analysis
Big Data Analytics in Earth, Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences is a valuable resource for geoinformatics and geoscience professionals who are working on providing big earth data processing, and scientists or engineers who need big earth data processing to support their research and development.