"This is a terrific and unprecedented resource that surveys the vibrant field of Spanish SLA from a wealth of angles. All contributors are authorities who have succeeded admirably in synthesizing accumulated findings and in offering forward-looking suggestions – across theories, foci of inquiry, methodologies, contexts, and fundamental questions. At once indispensable for scholars working on the acquisition of Spanish and poignantly relevant for the entire SLA research community." Lourdes Ortega, Georgetown University
"The publication of The Handbook of Spanish Second Language Acquisition marks the coming of age of both SLA and Spanish SLA. With contributions by well-known SLA scholars, the handbook both consolidates cumulative research in L2 Spanish and suggests directions for future investigations. It is a valuable resource for anyone in the field." Kathleen Bardovi-Harlig, Indiana University
The Handbook of Spanish Second Language Acquisition brings together a comprehensive collection of newly commissioned articles, compiled and written by experts in the field. It covers the most recent developments across a range of subfields relevant to the study of second language Spanish, each of which has seen ground-breaking empirical research in the past decade.
This Handbook's broad coverage includes current theoretical approaches – Generative, Variationist, corpus, psycholinguistic – alongside a variety of entries within such areas as the sound system, morphosyntax, individual and social factors, and instructed language learning. Chapters are organized into five sections spanning theoretical and methodological approaches, phonology, developing grammars, individual and social factors, and acquisition in the second language Spanish classroom. Providing a critical review of research and developments in the field, this Handbook offers the most complete and coherent overview on the subject currently available.