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Cover image for product 1119436265
CFP Board
ISBN: 978-1-119-43626-3
336 pages
April 2018
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  • Description
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The second in the CFP Board Center for Financial Planning Series, Client Psychology, explores the biases, behaviors, and perceptions that impact the decision-making and overall financial well-being of the individual who lies at the center of the entire profession: The Client.

This book, written for practitioners, researchers, and educators, outlines the theory behind the motivations, relationships, and decisions that impact the financial planning client, while drawing a direct link to how these factors impact financial planning practice. Some chapters build an argument based solely upon theory, while others will confirm and even challenge practice through research. Client Psychology builds an entirely new body of knowledge through relevant theory in academic disciplines such as behavioral finance, cognitive and clinical psychology, sociology, financial therapy, and a multitude of other areas that impact both theory and practice. Client Psychology is for the entire profession, as theory and practice are not treated as binary, but rather, interconnected in an accessible way so that relevant research is directly connected to financial planning practice.

Client Psychology:

  • Defines an entirely new area of focus within financial planning practice and research in Client Psychology
  • Serves as the essential reference for financial planners on biases, behaviors, and perceptions that impact client decision-making and financial well-being
  • Builds upon and expands the body of knowledge for financial planning; and
  • Provides insight regarding the factors that impact client financial decision- making from a multidisciplinary approach

If you're a CFP® professional, researcher, financial advisor, or student pursuing a career in financial planning or financial services, this book deserves a prominent spot on your professional bookshelf.

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