In cell and tumor biology, there has been a great deal of effort applied to understanding Apoptosis (Programmed Cell Death). Most people only think of Apoptosis when one talks about cell death, when in fact there are many ways that cells die.
To the editor’s knowledge, there is no comprehensive volume (or series of volumes) that covers all of the known processes that cells can undergo which results in cell death. Further, there is no known work that compares these processes.
The goal of this book would be to enlighten those in the field about these many processes and to stimulate their thinking at looking at these pathways when their research system does not show signs of activation of the classic Apoptotic pathway.
It is also intended to make the reader think beyond apoptosis. Part of the “teaching” in this book will be linking activities like the molecular biology of one process (eg. Necrosis) to another process (eg. apoptosis) and contrasting those that are close to each other.