A Comprehensive Introduction to Islamic Finance
Islamic finance is on the rise around the world, growing faster than the supply of specialized human capital. Fundamentals of Islamic Finance and Banking is the ideal introductory text for undergraduate and graduate students hoping to fill this major gap in the market. Broad in scope to provide a complete overview of the field, the discussion also maintains an appropriate level of depth to provide a solid, beyond-the-surface understanding of major topics.
- Understand the historical foundations of Islamic finance and track its growth to modern times
- Learn how Shariah Law applies to finance, in terms of ethics, principles, prohibitions and governance
- Delve into the uses, mechanisms, challenges and benefits of the six major Islamic banking products: Murabaha, Mudaraba, Musharaka, Ijara, Salam and Istisna
- Build an essential knowledge base surrounding Islamic insurance (Takaful) and Islamic investment and Sukuks
- Compare and contrast conventional versus Islamic finance, and learn how Islamic finance is used today in the Muslim Community, the Middle East, South and South East Asia and beyond
Comprehensive coverage plus a full set of ancillary materials makes Fundamentals of Islamic Finance and Banking the ideal primary text for introductory-level classes.