A major public health concern, despite regulatory vigilance, is untoward toxicity and other pharmaceutical side effects. This toxicity is often idiosyncratic, and usually not discovered until after a large population has been exposed and injured. Recent laboratory evaluations show that many of these drugs impact mitochondrial function. The realization that mitochondrial toxicity is a widespread and important issue in drug toxicity is increasingly appreciated, and most pharmaceutical companies now either have the technology to assess this risk themselves, or do so via contract research organizations.
Developed as a one-stop reference source for drug safety and toxicology professionals, the second edition of Drug-Induced Mitochondrial Dysfunction explains why mitochondrial failure is a crucial step in drug toxicity and how it can be avoided. It allows readers to understand the basis of mitochondrial function and the preclinical assessments used and what they reveal about drug effects. The focus is on how the requisite technology continues to evolve and the recent emergence of clinical techniques capable of detecting drug-induced mitochondrial toxicity in patients.
Added coverage in the 2nd edition includes how and why mitochondrial toxicity underlies organ injury, clinical reports on drug classes, and discussion of environmental toxicants that can affect mitochondria. With chapters contributed by leading specialists in their areas, Drug-Induced Mitochondrial Dysfunction, 2nd Edition continues to serve as a valuable resource for safety assessment professionals in the pharmaceutical industry - including bench scientists and managers - and for pharmacologists and toxicologists in both drug and environmental health sciences.