"This book succinctly identifies the key issues that are critical for algorithmic trading. Coming from one of the foremost trading experts, it carries the authority of experience. It belongs on the top shelf of every trader's library, where it can be reviewed from time to time to keep trading on track."
—John Ehlers, author of Cycle Analytics for Traders and President, MESA Software
"While many authors obfuscate, Perry Kaufman demystifies. For new and experienced algorithmic traders, this book maintains a steady focus on the critical elements that can drive success. In fact, the book itself follows Perry's guidelines: put the probabilities on your side, pay attention to details, and don't overcomplicate the machinery. Thank you, Perry."
—Stanley Dash, CMT, VP, Applied Technical Analysis, TradeStation®
"I have known Perry for 25 years. I have never had a conversation with him or read his writing and not taken away something of value. This new book is no exception. This is the kind of no-nonsense information from someone who has 'walked the walk' and which someone who wants to make a success of algo trading needs. Start here."
—Bob Pardo, President, Pardo Capital Limited, and author of The Evaluation and Optimization of Trading Strategies, Second Edition
"Perry is well known for his two kilo book, Trading Systems and Methods. This new book represents the other side of the coin: a short and quickly readable book that deals with the most important issues to develop a successful trading system. Readers will understand the essential concepts that every algorithmic trader must know in order to achieve their goals."
—Mario V. Guffanti, Vice President of SAMT (Swiss Association of Market Technicians)
"Perry Kaufman's basic points for system development are essential if you are going to create a successful trading system."
—Tom Aspray, Professional Trader and Analyst, Former Senior Editor,