A New Industry predicts what will happen to the famous ad agencies that charismatically dominated the world for so many years and gave us the 20th century gift of consumption culture. The book will answer specific questions including:
- What skills do I need to learn to adapt and evolve?
- What will the new job titles be and how will those roles be structured?
- How should I remodel my agency and my business?
- How will art transform the business of advertising, design and communications?
A New Industry is a road map for the future that will open the door to any reader in communications, from technologists to designers, strategists and artists, because the new industry is a collaborative and inclusive one, not one governed by the silo of titles and the whims of creative Gods. The book will also incorporate the thoughts of those in the ADC Hall of Fame. Each chapter will feature a concise opinion piece from each of these giants, lending their opinion and point of reference to each topic.