Experimental and Theoretical Approaches to Actinide Chemistry will provide a contemporary overview of the key aspects of actinide research, addressing new advances in experiment and theory and the interplay between these two realms. The book will focus on the multidisciplinary and multimodal nature of actinide chemistry, the interplay between multiple experiments and theory, as well as between basic and applied actinide chemistry.
Contemporary overviews of each broad topical area will be presented. Each chapter will consist of separate sections describing the current and anticipated experimental approaches for the field, the current and anticipated computational chemistry and materials techniques, and a section that combines experiment and theory. Topics covered include:
Actinides in the Gas-Phase
Speciation of Actinides Species and Nanostructures in Solutions
Complex Actinide Inorganic Compounds
Organometallic Actinides with Novel Oxidation States
Advanced Characterization of Fundamental Actinide Materials
Nuclear Fuels and Corrosion
Nuclear Wasteforms and Radiation Damage
Actinide Bioinorganic Chemistry
Transport of Actinides in the Environment
Separations and Coordination of Actinides
This book will serve as an accessible reference for advanced students and established researchers interested in, or working in, actinide science.