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Air Science and Waste Science Encyclopedia, Set
Air & Waste Management Organization
ISBN: 978-1-119-10230-4
4000 pages
September 2019
Title in editorial stage
  • Description

There are many books that are available on the science of air pollution and waste.  Some of the books are directed toward undergraduate students, while others are written for environmental professionals and graduate students.  This encyclopedia is of use for professionals, graduate students, and undergraduate students.  The proposed encyclopedia will be divided in six volumes:

Volume I – Air Quality Science, This volume covers the science related to air quality. After introduction to the air pollution fundamentals, the volume discusses the science involved in the existing meteorology and natural atmospheric phenomenon that influence air pollution. Further, the structure and classification of pollution, pollutants, their forms and development are covered

Volume II – Air Pollution Control, This volume covers the technology of air pollution control, emission sources, estimation of emissions, and monitoring of emissions

Volume III – Air Quality Management, This volume focuses on regulations worldwide at national, regional and local levels. The regulatory programs in any nation follow one of the five air pollution control strategies or concepts: Emission Standards, Air Quality Standards, Pollution Taxes, Cost-Benefit Analysis, and Risk Standards Based on Pollution.

Volume IV – Indoor Air Quality - This volume covers indoor air quality (IAQ) problems, the causes of indoor air quality problems, the sources of the indoor air pollutants, history of indoor air pollution problem, effects of indoor air quality, and the regulations related to indoor air quality. It also provides practical information on monitoring indoor air quality, indoor air quality models and how to solve indoor air quality problems

Volume V - Waste Management, This volume covers such topics as: minimization, transfer, storage, separation, recovery, recycling, and final disposal.  The volume also includes common methods of garbage disposal such as recycling, landfill, incineration, composting, gasification and industrial wastes.

Volume VI – Cross Media and Multi-Media Issues. The focus of this volume is on cross-media and multi-media issues.  Chapters on global climate change, rise in global temperature and sea level, deforestation, wetlands, loss of biodiversity and other contemporary issues are covered.

Wiley Global Education
Educational materials in all media for colleges and universities.