Nonprofit Legal Terminology Explained, From Abatement to Zucchini Test
If you have worked with nonprofit organizations, you are well aware that untangling nonprofit legal and tax codes is an often costly challenge. With the Bruce R. Hopkins' Nonprofit Law Dictionary, you can save resources that would previously have been lost. This reference allows you to minimize time spent wading through complex and ever-changing statutes, legal codes, and instruction forms. Inside, you'll find a meticulously compiled list of all the words and phrases you need to operate, manage, or represent tax-exempt institutions.
There is no substitute for consulting the experts. Author Bruce R. Hopkins is an awardwinning nonprofit lawyer who has been listed in The Best Lawyers in America for years on end. His insight and interpretation are priceless. With the Nonprofit Law Dictionary in your library, you'll have access to nuanced yet easy-to-understand definitions such as only Mr. Hopkins can provide. Additionally, an annual supplement to the dictionary will inform you of key changes to legal definitions, freeing you to focus on other things—whether in legal practice or in hands-on nonprofit work.
The scope of this comprehensive dictionary extends to a host of topics and fields related to nonprofit law:
- Trusts and foundations
- Charitable giving
- Fundraising
- Tax audits
- Supreme Court decisions
- Tax-exempt healthcare
- Religious organizations
- Nonprofit education
For situations when a concise definition is not enough, make use of the ample cross-references to find the exact location of more detailed information from canonical sources. Rely on the Nonprofit Law Dictionary as a source of accurate knowledge and welcome clarity.