Brigitte Kovacevich is assistant professor of anthropology at Southern Methodist University. Her research focuses on the complex interplay between technology, power, social action, and culture change in the past and present, and she is interested in Mesoamerican archaeology, lithic analysis, household archaeology, gender, identity, and preindustrial economic systems. She is currently codirector of the Holt´un Archaeological Project, Guatemala, and has conducted research in Mexico, Arizona, Tennessee, Kentucky, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Michael G. Callaghan is visiting assistant professor of anthropology at Southern Methodist University. He specializes in complex societies of Mesoamerica, with a specific emphasis on prehistoric economy and its articulation with politics and ritual. His research interests include Mesoamerican archaeology, the origins of social complexity, prehistoric economies, the archaeology of ritual, gender in archaeology, and ceramic analysis. He is currently codirector of the Holt´un Archaeological Project, Guatemala.