NEW! Create your own practice sets online with 900 questions from past exams with answer explanations
NEW! Exclusive online videos with study tips and test-taking strategies
Diagnostic test helps focus your test-prep efforts
The preeminent source of practice questions, The Official Guide for GMAT® Review 2015 helps you identify areas of strength and customize your study plan.
Here’s what you’ll find inside:
- Online question bank with 900 practice questions
- 50 Integrated Reasoning questions online
- Diagnostic test to help you get the most out of your study time
- Comprehensive grammar and math review
- Actual essay topics, sample responses, and scoring information
- Questions organized in order of difficulty to focus your study
Visit, the official site of the GMAT, to join the community and enjoy these benefits:
- Register for the GMAT exam
- Sign up for GMASS® Search Service to be contacted by schools
- Use School Finder to seek the best graduate business program for you
To use the question bank and Integrated Reasoning companion websites, you must have the latest version of one of the following browsers: Firefox 20+, Chrome 20+, Internet Explorer IE10+, Mac Safari 6.0+. Supported OS: Mac, Windows 7+.