"We applaud Dr. Hardy's latest contribution to the field of enterprise risk management. Her book, which expands on earlier work done for the IBM Center, provides a thorough foundation for public managers to appreciate and act upon the challenges they face, no matter at what level of government. Her book serves as a sorely-needed resource guide for busy executives, offering real-life examples, best practices, and different models for use."
—Daniel Chenok, Executive Director, IBM Center for the Business of Government
"C. W. Ceram once wrote: 'Genius is the ability to reduce the complicated to the simple.' With this quote in mind, I have often found the topic of Risk Management and the related readings to be quite complicated to grasp and implement. Then along comes Dr. Hardy and her book, Enterprise Risk Management. She is a risk-management genius in that she takes this challenging concept and helps the reader to truly understand Risk Management and how to implement a solid Risk Management Approach."
—Christopher P. Neck, Associate Professor of Management, University Master Teacher, Arizona State University
"Dr. Hardy provides public sector professionals with a much-needed, comprehensive resource manual on the adoption of Enterprise Risk Management as a modern managerial tool. Through effective and practical advice, she does an excellent job of guiding readers through a step-by-step process, focusing on how to strengthen decision making at the strategic level."
—Stefano Losi, Enterprise Risk Management Programme Officer, United Nations, New York*
*The views expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the United Nations.