Polydox Reflections stages a critical dialogue concerning the ethical and theological viability of "polydoxy," a trend in contemporary theology that emphasizes the multiplicity of creation, religious traditions, and divinity itself. The thinkers gathered under this term are not members of a "school," nor are they confined to any one tradition or methodology. Rather, they operate out of a shared attunement to multiplicity, unknowing, and relation. The result is a variety of relational ontologies that both produce and reflect shared commitments to social, political, economic, racial, sexual, and environmental justice.
In this volume, a variety of theologians and historians--including Virginia Burrus, Mark Jordan, and Graham Ward--explore polydoxy in light of their own sense of the task of modern theology. These essays, along with comprehensive responses by Catherine Keller and Laurel Schneider, expand and refine the vibrant theological possibilities of polydoxy.