Photoshop Elements 12 For Dummies
448 pages
December 2013
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Learn to: - Identify and fix the most common digital photo problems
- Edit and crop images, enhance color, and sharpen photos
- Organize photos with albums and tags
Turn everyday snapshots into amazing photos — it's never been easier Whether you snap your photos with a cellphone or a DSLR, you want every image to look its best. This helpful guide simplifies how to use Photoshop Elements to organize and manage your images, fine-tune color, add photographic effects, share photos, and more. - Frame your knowledge — learn tips for navigating the Organizer and get familiar with the tools, menus, and options
- Picture perfect — tweak any unflattering aspects of your pictures, crop or remove objects, sharpen overexposed or underexposed images, and adjust color, contrast, and brightness
- Use your image-ination — discover your artistic abilities with filters that allow you to apply effects, draw and paint, and add text to your photos
- Show off a little — print your photos and share them via Facebook and Twitter
Open the book and find: - Steps for importing images into Elements
- Instructions for both Windows and Mac users
- How to edit your photos in the Photo Editor
- Techniques for improving color, contrast, and clarity
- Ways to adjust shadows and highlights
- Creative and practical projects anyone can do
- Tips for sharing your photos on social networks
- How to save and share photos on the new Adobe Revel