Praise for How to Be an Investment Banker
"Andrew Gutmann has written a clear and easy guide for budding investment bankers and finance professionals everywhere. It lives up to its title, providing not only intelligent advice and guidance but a good summary of core financial principles every dealmaker should know."
—Steven M. Davidoff, New York Times "Deal Professor"; Professor of Law and Finance, Michael E. Moritz College of Law, The Ohio State University
"In this book, Andrew demystifies the competitive recruiting process for investment banking jobs. He provides clear and thorough explanations of the technical knowledge needed to ace the interviews and succeed as a banker. Above all, his perspective on the industry will help readers determine for themselves whether this is a career for them. He tells it as he sees it, no holds barred. It's his directness that students find appealing and makes this required reading for anyone seriously considering a career in investment banking."
—Regina Resnick, Associate Dean and Managing Director, Career Management Center, Columbia Business School
"Andrew's book provides a great overview of investment banking recruiting as well as the key technical topics you need to know for interviews and the most important qualitative questions. Unlike a lot of other guides and resources I've seen, he also tells it like it is rather than sugar-coating the truth, which is exactly the right approach to take."
—Brian DeChesare, founder, Mergers & Inquisitions and Breaking Into Wall Street
"Mr. Gutmann's book provides an excellent bridge between classroom finance and real-world application in investment banking. Thoughtfully organized, digestible, and without sugar coating, How to Be an Investment Banker is an essential tool for those considering the pursuit of a job in investment banking."
—Michael F. Malone, Managing Director, Career Management Center, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
"For prospective investment bankers, this book offers an excellent overview of the business and the tools/techniques that should be part of your arsenal. More important, though, the book also offers guidance on seeking out and finding an investment banking job and a reality check on what an investment banker's life is like."
—Aswath Damodaran, Professor of Finance, New York University Stern School of Business and author of Investment Valuation
"Andrew Gutmann has managed to turn his highly useful website into a highly useful book. How to Be an Investment Banker provides a road map for becoming and remaining an investment banker. It is not for the faint of heart."
—Jonathan Knee, author of The Accidental Investment Banker