About to start a paediatrics rotation?
Working with children for the first time?
Thinking about a career in paediatrics?
The Hands-on Guide to Practical Paediatrics is the ultimate, practical guide for medical students encountering paediatrics for the first time, junior doctors thinking about working with children, and new paediatric trainees. It’s full of vital information on practical procedures, prescribing for young patients, and communicating with children, as well as guidance on the paediatric training programme and paediatrics as a career.
Full of clinical tips, and covering key information on developmental stages, common ethical dilemmas, and child protection, The Hands-on Guide to Practical Paediatrics is also supported by online resources including practice prescribing scenarios and video content at www.wileyhandsonguides.com/paediatrics
Take the stress out of paediatrics with The Hands-on Guide!