Noordsy’s Food Animal Surgery, Fifth Edition is a fully updated new edition of the classic field manual on surgical techniques in cattle, goats, sheep, and pigs. Designed for easy, fast access in the field, information is presented using a concise outline style with information boxes, tables, drawings, and photographs to highlight and illustrate key points. Noordsy’s Food Animal Surgery is an ideal reference for veterinary students and clinicians seeing food animal patients.
Beginning with chapters on general surgical considerations, restraint, and anesthesia, the book’s main focus is on step-by-step procedures for specific surgical techniques. The Fifth Edition has been thoroughly updated throughout to provide a current resource, with additional information on welfare, pain management, and anesthesia.
Noordsy’s Food Animal Surgery is an essential purchase for practitioners and students wanting to develop or refresh their surgical skills.
Key features:
- Fully updated new edition of the classic food animal surgery field manual
- Ideal for quick reference in the field, with an outline format incorporating information boxes, tables, drawings, and photographs throughout
- Includes a new section on pain management
- Presents the newest protocols for anesthetic induction and short term chemical immobilization, tips for using drug combinations, and the latest general anesthesia techniques
- Acts as a useful guide for developing surgical skills or as a memory aid during a procedure
- Includes access to a companion website offering figures from the book in PowerPoint and study questions and answers in Word at