Learn AutoCAD Civil 3D Quickly and Easily
This Autodesk Official Training Guide covers all of Civil 3D 2013's new features and workflows, teaching you everything you need to become quickly productive in the software's dynamic environment. As you design a residential subdivision, you'll soon master the fundamentals, including importing survey data, designing in 2D and 3D, adding boundaries and pipe networks, creating construction documents, and more. And now you can see it in action by accessing video demonstrations of the additional suggested practice exercises. Whether you're an aspiring civil engineer, preparing for certification, or just updating your skills to Civil 3D 2013, this is the fast, thorough grounding you need.
Learn these AutoCAD Civil 3D essentials--and more:
Turning raw survey field data into maps and drawings
Using field data to create 3D models of existing terrain
Constructing 3D road models using the new 2013 workflows
Designing entire communities by using parcels to generate dynamic lot layouts
Creating detailed models of underground pipe networks
Designing detailed pressure pipe networks
Reshaping the terrain in 3D with grading tools and design surfaces
Leveraging automation to produce construction documents quickly
Learn how to create detailed designs and perform powerful analyses
Harness the power of 3D models to build designs of pipe systems, grading, roads, and more
This striking Essentials book features:
Chapter-opening learning objectives
Step-by-step tutorials
Four-color screenshots and illustrations
Concise chapter summaries and additional suggested practice exercises
Downloadable exercise files