Praise for Business at the Speed of Now
"Practical. Useful. Inspiring. Managers and leaders who want to engage the hearts and minds of every employee will find all the tools they need in the pages of Business at the Speed of Now."
--Marshall Goldsmith, author of the New York Times bestsellers Mojo and What Got You Here Won't Get You There
"Mr. Bernard's book achieves a critical first by showing how social media and cloud computing are resetting customer expectations. Then he makes clear why competitive pressures demand that management apply process thinking to management itself in order to ensure everything is in place for employees to meet customer needs in real time."
--Richard Walje, President and CEO, Rocky Mountain Power, a division of PacifiCorp
"Our citizens demand transparency and accountability. Government must achieve outcomes that matter. Business at the Speed of Now is more than thought provoking, it provides answers every leader needs to understand."
--Michael J. Jordan, Chief Operating Officer, State of Oregon
"This book connects dots from the past, present, and future, simplifying complex issues that can appear daunting to today's leaders. Bernard's GPS for navigating today's fast-changing business environment reveals the principles and practices leaders should keep and those they should leave behind to create highly competitive organizations where people fully engage their hearts and minds. Compelling stories and pragmatic tools in every chapter help readers apply those insights immediately."
--Teresa Roche, Chief Learning Officer, Agilent Technologies
"Bernard brilliantly tackles the issues of speed and turnaround that everyone struggles with today. Using engaging stories, new thinking about creating a responsive organization, and case studies that drive the point home, Bernard lays out a game plan for success. If you want to discover the keys to creating a responsive organization that provides customer solutions in 'real time,' you need to read this book."
--Roger Connors and Tom Smith, authors of the New York Times bestsellers The Oz Principle, Change the Culture, Change the Game, and How Did That Happen?
"Required reading for any business owner or manager who wants to grow and profit in the now!"
--Gene Marks, President, The Marks Group, and New York Times columnist