The painless way to successfully manage credit in today's financial landscape To get the best deals on credit cards and loans for homes and cars, you need a solid credit score and more! How do you get a great score? What do you need in addition to a great score? What are lenders looking for now that they are extremely risk-averse? Credit Management Kit For Dummies gives you the who, what, where, and how to make your credit work for you, not against you — whether you have good or bad credit!
Credit Management 101 — get up-to-the-minute guidance on how to gain control of (and protect) your credit; treat it as a green, renewable resource; and create a spending plan for your future
The writing on your credit wall — master credit reporting and scoring in the digital age and know where you can access free services to avoid the all-too-common errors that may be lowering your score
Credit for life — get credit strategies for every stage of life, whether you're a credit newbie, buying a house, getting married, or dealing with divorce or the loss of a spouse
Emphasize the "i" in credit — take control of your bad credit with expert advice on overcoming or minimizing everything from minor delinquencies to the effects of bankruptcy — and get yourself back on track
Open the book and find:
Strategies to build a great credit score
Tips for balancing spending, credit use, and saving
How to protect your credit in the post-financial meltdown world
Advice on monitoring your credit reports and scores for free
What your credit history says about you
How to go about obtaining credit for the first time
Ways to deal with bad credit, debt, and bankruptcy
Learn to:
Build and maintain the best credit and credit score possible
Recover from mortgage-related and other credit score hits
Master your credit from your first credit card to retirement
Successfully manage your finances to make your dreams come true
Work with tools, forms, and documents on the accompanying CD
Bonus CD Includes
Sample credit reports, worksheets, forms, templates, and other tools on the accompanying CD