Redefining the genre of ‘self-help comedy’, Shine is a book about the brevity of life. It contains adult themes of mortality, change, exhaustion, pressure and exhaustion. Thankfully, the bleakness is done with humour and the solutions are entertaining, do-able and uplifting. Your potential is one thing. What you do with it is quite another. Shine is the literary equivalent of ‘ctrl/alt/delete’. All you have to do is read the book, keep an open mind, and apply the learning. Then, as if by magic, you will re-boot with new mental software installed, upgrading you to ‘best possible self’. It’s a very simple process that also happens to be not very easy. Because, of course, if being your best self was easy, everybody would be doing it.
it could be that you’ve figured everything out on your own and have ended up acing your career, meeting and marrying your perfect partner, producing three wonderful kids, owning a holiday home in Mustique and having a drop-dead gorgeous life. In which case, we applaud you. If, on the other hand, you need the cheat codes, then this book will give you a nudge. The average lifespan is 4000 weeks. It’s a short and precious gift that’s hurtling by in a blur. If you want to make a dent in the universe, and turn your life around, it’s time to wake up. We figure that if you’re going to rise, you may as well shine.
This uplifting new title convers themes such as:
• Why are people so negative?
• Using positive words to make others feel good about themselves - what you say has impact!
• Rediscovering the bit of magic which makes you stand out!
• Overcoming stress, frustration and anger
• Find your reason to get up in the morning!
• Shining at work through positive psychology - retain your mojo!
• Giving up certain things to achieve your goals
• Inside-out thinking
• Oppose conventional wisdom and find the real secrets to happiness!