Medical Mathematics and Dosage Calculations for Veterinary Professionals, Second Edition, is an updated and revised version of the essential pocket-size reference for using math in the veterinary setting. Covering a range of topics from math fundamentals to drug prescription and dosing information, the book provides step-by-step instructions for calculating dosages, drip rates, concentrations, and other drug administration information.
Medical Mathematics and Dosage Calculations for Veterinary Professionals has been thoroughly revised to be even more practical, with more detailed information on performing dosage calculations. Coverage has been expanded to include new and updated illustrations, more percentage solution problems to cover compounding and mixing solutions, and new sections on dilutions and fluid therapy.
This user-friendly guide to medical mathematics leads the reader through each calculation. Exercises using copies of actual medication labels to practice calculating dosages accurately are also included. Medical Mathematics and Dosage Calculations for Veterinary Professionals is a useful guide for veterinary health care professionals, veterinary students, and veterinary technicians.
Key Features:
- Updated edition of the essential pocket-size reference
- Covers math fundamentals, metric and non-metric conversions, dosing and concentration, IV drug infusion, prescriptions, and doctors' orders
- Offers step-by-step instructions for performing calculations
- Includes up-to-date illustrations, expanded percentage solution problems, and more detailed dosage information
- New sections on dilutions and fluid therapy
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