State-Level Associations: An Emerging Trend in Community Mediation (Branda L.Nowell,Deborah Salem)
This qualitative study looks at state-level associations and considers their characteristics and challenges in serving community mediation organizations.
Dueling Experts in Mediation and Negotiation: How to Respond When Eager Expensive Entrenched Expert Egos Escalate Enmity (John H.Wade)
Mediators and negotiators are often faced with the need to involve outside experts, but there is reluctance to introduce the expert dynamic into the interaction. In this article Wade provides suggestions for how to handle these experts and their egos.
Mediation Styles: Subjective Description of Mediators (John Wood)
The question of mediator styles has been raised and researched by many scholars. In this study Wood uses Q-sort methodology to identify mediator styles in a select mediator population and relates his findings to other mediation style taxonomies.
Traditional Mediation Practices: Are We Throwing the Baby out with the Bath Water? (Ho-Beng Chia, Joo Eng Lee-Partridge,Chee-Leong Chong)
Chinese and Malaysians in Singapore have used mediation as part of their traditional dispute resolution practices. This article looks at the differences between these traditional approaches and the Western institutionalized mediation used in Singapore’s court mediation programs. Suggestions are made about how the court programs can be altered to respect traditional practices.
Conflict, Peace, and Education: A Tangled Web (Alan Tidwell)
The United States Institute for Peace and Kennesaw State University hosted the conference on peace education in conflict-ridden societies that serves as the focus of this colloquy. In this introductory article, Tidwell overviews peace education programs and introduces the other articles in the colloquy.
Civil Conflict, Education, and the Work of Schools: Twelve Propositions (James H.Williams)
What is the relationship between institutes of education and civil conflict in conflict-ridden societies? Williams provides an excellent overview of how conflicts affect educational institutions and how educational institutions can serve as the agent of conflict as well as the mechanism for conflict management and enlightenment.
International Education and Conflict: Empowering Individuals, Transforming Societies, and Making Waves—An Interview with Jane Benbow from CARE (Susan S. Raines)
CARE is one of the world’s largest humanitarian organizations and has great experience with societies working through civil conflicts. Benbow explains to the interviewer how conflict is common at every stage of the education process and how fundamentals of education, like literacy, may be more critical for some societies than what we perceive as peace education efforts.
In Their Own Words: Contextualizing the Discourse of (War) Trauma and Healing (Al B. Fuertes)
One of the most compelling areas of peace education work is helping individuals and communities traumatized by interethnic conflicts. Fuertes describes some of the work he has done in this area and help us understand how sensitivity to the participants’ discourse about conflict reveals the frames they use and their orientations to interventions such as peace education.
Bridging Theory and Practice in Peace Education: The Notre Dame University Peace Education Experience (Benedicto R.Bacani)
Notre Dame University in the Philippines has developed a model peace education program. Bacani, the dean of that program, explains the genesis of the program, its context and content, and the best practices learned through their experience that may be applied to similar efforts by other institutions.
Conflict and Education: Some Personal Reflections (Dennis J.D. Sandole)
Sandole brings the colloquy to a close with a consideration of the conflict- Realpolitik and peace education–Idealpolitik connections. He articulates the nexus between conflict education and policy and suggests analytic approaches to further our understanding of this relationship.