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Cover image for product 078797465X
ISBN: 978-0-7879-7465-7
336 pages
November 2005, ©2006, Jossey-Bass
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Preparing the NextGeneration of Teachers

Basic reading proficiency is key to success in all content areas, but attending to students' literacy development remains a challenge for many teachers, especially after the primary grades. Knowledge to Support the Teaching of Reading presents recommendations for the essential knowledge about the development, acquisition, and teaching of language and literacy skills that teachers need to master and use. This important book is one result of an initiative of the National Academy of Education's Committee on Teacher Education, whose members have been charged with the task of creating a core knowledge base for teacher education.

"This volume builds on the National Research Council Report How People Learn andwhat we know about effective teacher education practices to address the important issue ofpreparing all K-12 teachers to teach reading."
—John Bransford, University of Washington,co-chair of the Committee on Teacher Education

"This book should be read by teachers, teacher educators, and policy makers who are interested in ensuring that all teachers have the knowledge and skills necessary to teach all students to read."
—Linda Darling-Hammond, Stanford University,co-chair of the Committee on Teacher Education

"Knowledge to Support the Teaching of Reading could serve as a guide to those designing teacher education courses and programs and to those interested in hiring knowledgeable new teachers."
—George Hillocks, University of Chicago

"The authors know the literature very well . . . indeed, it is an excellent job of taking theresearch data and using them in a way that teachers can take advantage of."
—Walter Kintsch, University of Colorado, Boulder

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