Employee Handbooks Made Easy!
At last, busy nonprofits can produce their own employee handbooks without the usual worries or frustrations. And employees can finally look to a single source for all the policies and procedures that bear on their day-to-day work. This unique book-and-disk set has everything you need to craft an employee handbook that is tailored to your organization's mission, culture, and goals. It is The Management Center's most comprehensive human resources toolkit for nonprofits across the country¾filled with sample policies and examples of how to adapt each policy to your specific objectives.
Flexible and user-friendly, Creating Your Employee Handbook offers a unique three-level approach, capturing the complexity and diversity of your nonprofit. Many of the sample policies appear in versions that correspond to large, medium-sized, or small nonprofits. Sample policies also reflect different organizational cultures. For each policy, you can choose¾mixing or matching as needed¾the language, form, and style that best reflect your purpose and work culture. Topics include: employment and employee development, benefits, workplace healthy and safety, standards of conduct, work hours and pay, and much more. You can create a new employee handbook from start to finish, update existing policies, or identify new ones.
This hands-on manual can also help you gain insight into why certain policies are legally necessary. Such important policies are tagged throughout the handbook and there is even a state-by-state listing of specific statutes and mandates to help broaden your knowledge of employment law. Above all, Creating Your Employee Handbook shows how to make your handbook an effective employee communications tool.
Use the Disk for Easy Customization and Implementation
The do-it-yourself kit includes a computer disk complete with all of the sample policies in PC format. The policies are organized into folders that correspond to the size of your nonprofit. You can select or combine the policies according to your specific requirements. Also included are sample forms that can be copied or saved for future use. The guide and disk make the normally daunting task of creating an employee handbook that simple!