What drugs should be used to maintain someone in sinus rhythm who has paroxysmalatrial Fibrillation?
How do I investigate the relatives of a patient with sudden cardiac death?
Which cardiac patients should never get pregnant?
These are over 100 other intriguing questions are answered by leading cardiologists in this refreshingly up to date book. However, far from being bedtime reading, 100 Questions in Cardiology is an authoritative and practical guide to management of complicated situations. Written by cardiologists, it tackles the thorny problems that you may often have wanted to ask about but never dared.
100 Questions in Cardiology uses the now acknowledged most effective means of presenting evidence – by starting with the frequently asked questions and answering them with practical, concise, and evidence based information. It will be an invaluable tool not only for qualified and trainee cardiologists, but also for general physicians involved in the care of cardiac patients.