Adolescence as a stage in development is a period of great change and emotional development together with both social and intellectual transformations.
Adolescent Development: The Essential Readings guides the reader throughout the maze of issues that emerge in the transition from childhood to adulthood.
Each article is introduced by the editor, and contextualized within the wider debate of developmental psychology and the area of adolescence in particular. The introductions are designed to delineate the importance to each chapter and help guide the reader to sensitive points or issues. They set the stage for a selection of readings on theory, biological growth and development, issues of pubescence, and individual development, together with a variety of social problems that are experienced at this stage in life.
The individual studies bring to life the manner in which adolescent behaviour is investigated, represent some of the most compelling current science that focuses on adolescence, and demonstrate the wide range of creative scholarship that can be found in this are of study. The readings will stimulate thoughts about the study of adolescence and push forward the reader's understanding of ideas of adolescence.