One of the most active areas in medicinal chemical research concerns the search for drugs used to treat different forms of cancer. This Handbook contains records for all the major drugs currently in use to treat cancer.
Monographs are provided for 409 antineoplastic agents and, in addition, 23 cytoprotectant agents are described. For each main entry, the chemical name and a list of trade names and synonyms is provided; the CAS Registry Number, the European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances (EINECS) Number, and the Merck Index (12th Edition) Number are given. The physical properties of each compound are described and the known biological activity and indicated applications are presented. The structure of each compound is provided, together with a summary of the acute toxicity data associated with it, and the manufacturers and suppliers of the drug are also given. Indexes, including a master index of names and synonyms, are appended.