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Cover image for product 0471692387
Abnormal Psychology, 10th Edition
ISBN: 978-0-471-69238-6
720 pages
October 2006, ©2007
This is an out of Print Title.
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A cut above the rest!
Kring, Davison, Neale, and Johnson’s Abnormal Psychology sets the standard for clarity, cutting-edge coverage, authoritative content, and clinical emphasis. The authors invite students to examine the many different facets of psychopathology­­­––to search for clues, follow-up on hunches, and evaluate evidence on the origins of these disorders and the effectiveness of specific interventions.

Now in their new 10th Edition, the authors have also greatly expanded the text’s pedagogical features, making it even more student-friendly, engaging, and informative.

“Current trends in the field are well reflected with the sections on genetics, neuroscience, and cognitive science.” – Jack Nitschke,University of Wisconsin

“I was particularly impressed by the skill with which the authors were able to discuss complex material in a clear fashion.”Janice Kiecolt-Glaser, Ohio State University

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Also available
Case Studies in Abnormal Psychology, 7th Edition
Thomas F. Oltmanns, Michele Martin, John M. Neale, Gerald C. Davison
ISBN: 0-471-73112-9

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