Get one of the most important research tools you'll need for professional accounting practice! New copies of Bline, Fischer, and Skekel's ADVANCED ACCOUNTING are packaged with the most recent annual version of the Financial Accounting Research System CD (FARS). Make sure you have this essential tool; it will help you prepare for the new computerized CPA exam and ensure a successful transition to professional practice!
When you enter the profession, you'll need to search for answers to the accounting problems that routinely arise, and one of the resources you'll consult time and time again will be the Financial Accounting research System CD. In addition, the new computerized CPA exam will include question types that demand accounting research skills, like performing keyword searches of an electronic database, much like FARS.
Driven by a powerful search engine and easy to use, the FARS CD includes five separate infobases, providing access to all the necessary accounting literature:
Power you future by investing in FARS today.